Monday, February 16, 2009

Bill Nickerson - The Myth-Buster!

Former Senator Bill Nickerson's op-ed in the Sunday Hartford Courant is a must-read to understand our challenges with the state budget. Here are the four budget myths Bill busts wide open with my observations:

Myth No. 1: "The General Assembly is equipped to deal with current deficits because it has cut the budget before."

The General Assembly is constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves on this subject.

Myth No. 2: "The state constitutional cap on budget increases is a mere guideline."

The General Assembly is constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves on this subject.

Myth No. 3: "Each year government programs are rigorously evaluated by the legislature with unworthy ones reduced or eliminated and effective ones expanded."

Now there's a novel idea for government to adopt common best practices!

Myth No. 4: "Connecticut has a non-progressive income tax which is unfair because middle-income earners are overtaxed and the rich don't pay their fair share."

Really? I thought a little over one-percent of Connecticut residents paid half of the total income tax.

Please read Bill Nickerson's op-ed here:,0,4086481.story